Photoshop HW1

    The most important thing to use in photoshop is using layers. It's important when you have multiple photos your adding on to each other to create an image. Another important thing is the clone tool, it allows you to copy a reference point and draws the exact pixels same pixels in a place of your choosing. It will help get rid of any imperfections in your work. I think the most difficult thing will be knowing when to adjust contours and saturation. I feel like having the eye to adjust those comes with practice and experience to know what looks good.

    Masks can only be painted with black or white. Masks are using to basically punch a whole through the layer being masked. It removes what's seen in that specific layer. This is true for any layer you paint on. You can invert your masks from black to white and white to black using command+i. Something difficult I learned from this video is using blend modes. It cause effect a look and feel of an image. It can be used for darkening, whitening, saturation, contrast, etc.

    Something I learned from this video was using shortcuts. Control+j duplicates layers, while having multiple layers selected control+h merges layers together, control+g makes a group, and control+e merges all the layers within that group. If you hit control and click on the image adjustment you can skew the pictures and change the perspective and angle of it. Hitting control+alt while adjust the picture on two axis. Something that will be difficult in photoshop will copying layer styles and pasting them onto other layers. Also, it will be hard to remember that hitting the eye next to the layer will hide the visual affects you have added to that layer. 
